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Dr. Bissonnette is an Associate professor of Nutrition, a dietitian and an obesity researcher in the United States. He is available for speaking engagements anywhere in the United States and Western Europe.


The waist line of Americans is getting bigger and we are indeed becoming an obese nation with the prevalence of obese and overweight adults now reaching 70% according to NIH data, and there is no real evidence, at this time, that this epidemic is about to abate. Dr Bissonnette provides the most current statistics on obesity prevalence in addition to a thorough review of the main causes and treatments. Dr Bissonnette is an engaging speaker who brings several years of experience in managing obese and overweight patients in outpatient clinic, in addition to several years of obesity research. Standard speaking FEE: $3500.00US + expenses. 



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TALK-3> Waging War Against the American Diet

We need to wage a war of resistance against the North American diet which has now so insidiously made its way into our lives that it has been changing, for many decades now, the very fabric and health of our culture. As a culture, Americans have been engaged in an unhealthy relationship with food. Not only do we eat much larger quantities of food than we used to, we also consume enormous amounts of fats, sodium and sugars. We eat too rapidly, and in relative isolation from the family unit. The sanctity of mealtime has been lost by a society in so much of a rush that the family has become disconnected from what used to be the sacred meal hour. Our grab-and-run society experiences chronic heartburn and a variety of other digestive complaints. As early as 1992, the National Institute of Health reported that digestive disorders represented 13% of all hospitalization in the US, involving $87 billion in direct medical costs.      Dr Bissonnette argues that North American diet is slowly making our children chronically ill, and that the impoverished spiritual life that we lead as a culture goes hand in hand with the impoverished dietary habits we follow...indeed, the same kind of relativism our culture applies to its spiritual life, it also applies to its eating habits. In a very real way, the tired society that we have become is in part tied to our eating, and this fatigue troubles our work, our spiritual life and our ability to live courageously as Christians. Changing the culture at this level truly involves changing the way we eat and live. Standard speaking FEE: $2700.00US + expenses. FIRST CALL TO SCHEDULE THE TALK: 507-304-1885

TALK-2> Diet & Asceticism: Intemperance & the Decline of the American Culture

The word asceticism comes from the Greek askesis which means practice, bodily exercise, and more especially, athletic training. The object of Christian asceticism is the subordination of the lower appetites to the dictates of right reason and the law of God, with the continued and necessary cultivation of the virtues which the Creator intended man to possess. Indeed the practice of asceticism has all but left our culture along with the moral virtues of justice, temperance and fortitude. We have cultivated in our young the notions of empowerment and self-esteem as the key building blocks to a successful life and career, and we have turned away from the practices of repression and denial of our animal passions leaving us emotionally bankrupt and broken people. This is evidenced by the four most prevalent epidemics that are now sweeping our nations: Obesity, Type-2 Diabetes, Sexually transmitted infections and Depression. Are they linked? Dr Bissonnette will present to you strong evidence that there are significant links that are indeed connecting these epidemics together Standard speaking FEE: $2500.00US + expenses. CALL TO SCHEDULE TALK: 507-304-1885 

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